Join Us Live on Thursday October 10th @ 7PM ET for Gua Sha No-Tox: How to Minimize Brow, Forehead
and Eye lines with Gua Sha.
Upon Registering, You Get Immediate access to the Step-By-Step Learning Demo you can follow along to, then come to the live ready to do it live and get your questions answered!
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With growing evidence that long term Botox™ use can cause facial muscle atrophy (shrinkage) and possibly bone loss (more research needed, but initial studies suggest this possibility) - good face Gua Sha technique becomes an even more important well-aging option.
Face Gua Sha bears none of the same risks as neurotoxin (Botox). On the contrary, it offers all-natural upsides: increased skin and tissue health, better blood flow and decreased tension in overactive areas (brow, jaw, forehead, jowl, etc).
Join us as I run through a Bo Jin + face Gua Sha routine that unwinds the underlying causes of forehead and brow lines, and brings visible plump into the skin to counteract the appearance of lines. I will run through how I use targeted products that really help this facial zone, (including a new product I’m obsessed with that has really taken our clinic results up a level).