FREE TCM Check-In: Gua Sha Troubleshooting + QA

Are you feeling disappointed that Gua Sha isn’t going far enough for you? Or are you struggling with part of your Gua Sha practice? While many find even the simplest of Gua Sha techniques very helpful, some are faced with a more complex situation that needs more nuanced, professional support.

Join us on Tuesday, April 2nd @ 5pm ET for a free Gua Sha troubleshooting class. Bring your questions and share with us your struggle. We may not get to everyone’s case, but will select a few that can be helpful for the overall community to learn from.

To send us a note for help, email [email protected] and include:

1. Brief description of your struggle and if you’ve attended a Lanshin class before

2. Where you learned Gua Sha (if not from us)

3. What tool you’re using

4. Pictures of your trouble area

5. If you are able to attend class live.

Join us on Tuesday, April 2nd @ 5pm ET

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  2. Post-Attendance Survey

FREE TCM Check-In: Gua Sha Troubleshooting + QA

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