Course4.7 average rating (6 reviews)For your best energy, health and beauty your tongue should be suctioned up and back against the soft palette, the roof of your mouth. Come learn why, and how you can make it better with Sandra and her go-to expert on posture, Michal Niedzielski - PT.
TCM FACELIFT with Gua Sha + Bo Jin
Course5.0 average rating (10 reviews)2024 Prediction: Bo Jin will go viral as the next facial Gua Sha. Come learn what it is before social media tells you it’s another lymphatic drainage technique. Join me for the ultimate at-home TCM facelift session.
FREE TCM Check-In: Gua Sha Troubleshooting + QA
CourseJoin us for a free Gua Sha troubleshooting class. Bring your questions and share with us your struggle. We may not get to everyone’s case, but will select a few that can be helpful for the overall community to learn from.
GUA SHA 3.0: Nasolabes + Allergy Relief
Course5.0 average rating (6 reviews)Can we use Gua Sha and Acupressure techniques to a) release the stagnation, b) restore the strong healthy flow of circulation so that you c) love your face again and d) fall in love with Gua Sha and TCM. Yes! Yes we can!
Gua Sha 3.0: Under Eye Rescue
Course4.8 average rating (6 reviews)Join me in this next Gua Sha 3.0 follow along when I’ll introduce some new ideas and techniques for working with the under-eyes. Because our work area will include nose, cheeks, eye and neck - this class may also help sinus and headache issues.
TCM Office Hours: Gua Sha Under-Eye Troubleshooting
CourseJoin us for a free Gua Sha troubleshooting class. Bring your questions and share with us your struggle. For this event we’re prioritizing under-eye cases, but feel free to send a note if you have other issues.